Tales from the Trees

Sunday 12th January – Stroke

Firstly, congratulations to Jock Agnew for his ace on the 9th on Saturday whilst playing with wife Sue & Karen & Spinner. No great celebration as they didn’t know it had gone in. Even walking up to the green he could see a ball at back of the of the green & thought that was it.

Breaking a cardinal rule of golf, ” never use an “Ace” ball again, Jock proceeded to “mount” said ball in a Norfolk pine on the 13th. Funnily enough, Jock was able to identify his ball in the tree during his round on Sunday. Well done Jock.

Today’s stroke round saw 27 players in the field.

A big welcome our following visitors. Scott Murphy (Gisbon, Vic), Gary Richardson (Woodend, Vic), Paul & Michael Harmer (Penola), Wormy Werchon & Hayden Cook (Millicent) & J Burnett (Blue Lake).

Rob Carter (84/69) took the chocolates by 2 strokes from Spinner (80/71) on a count back from Wormy (87/71). Baz came 4th (76/72). Hayden Cook & Wakey shared 5th with a nett 73.

11 birdies were scored during the comp.

Mark P (9th /11th), Hayden C (7th/8th) & Brendan F (2nd /14th) each had two. Singles were had by Allan Schultz (9th),

Baz (10th), Issy (6th), Rob C (5th) & Varcs (2nd).

Rob C’s birdie/ferret came from 45m out from near the RH mound. 52 degree over the bunker, landing short of the green, to race to the hole & drop in. Great shot Rob.

Mark P took the NTP.

Carrie had a shot from near where Rob scored his birdie. He wasn’t as fortunate. Ball rested behind a tree at the back of the green. Carrie played his next shot, prostrate on the ground, under very low hanging branches. Give him his due, he got it out.

Coop had a bit of misfortune on the 6th. He putted into the middle of the hole, only for the ball to bounce back out & finish 2″ from the hole. Apparently, he wasn’t impressed.

Issy had a couple of features today. Playing from the 3rd bunker, his SW snapped & the head when flying. Issy’s comment, “the club was closer to the hole than the ball.”

his second moment came when Jock nearly hit Issy with a wayward shot. Luckily not injuries were sustained, except perhaps to Jock’s pride.

Paul Harmer reckons he had 30 shanks. Wally probably lost his record today.

Wormy & Schultzy took 26 units off their opposition today. The opposition doubled up. One missed a 2′ putt to keep to 13 units. The other missed a 2′ putt to make it square. Sometimes it’s just not your day.

And where would Tales from the Trees be without one from Stef. His 11 on the 4th included a drop for a lost ball in a tree. Took a drop & played on. Coming down the 5th he saw a ball & thought, “who’s is that!”. You guessed it, it was his “treed ball” from the 4th.

Junior coaching 9am Tuesday & Wednesday this week. Sausage Sizzle after Wednesday’s coaching.

Have a great week.

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