Tales from the Trees

Lance Chambers Trophy – Best Ball Ambrose

Firstly, congrats to Cooper Walters who won the SE Junior Golf Net Comp at Kingston last week.

What a great day in Beachport. Blue skies, warm sunshine, gentle breeze & a brilliant, clear azure sea. Then someone suggested golf.

Best ball Ambrose uses the best points score of the playing partners on each hole.

Welcome to Jason Werchon (Wormy) who joined the field from Millicent.

Jason Walters paired with Brendan F to win the event on a countback from Log & Wakey with a combined 42 pts.

Congrats on the win guys & thanks to Ginge for sponsoring the event.

Individually, the scoring was not quite as impressive, with Jason Walters the only one to break handicap with 37 pts. Next best was Rowdy, Wakey & Brian Pennell with 34 pts.

Brendan F pipped Wally for NTP on the last tee shot of the day.

The only reported birdies were, Stef (5th, his first hole), Rob C (7th) & Brian P (18th, birdie ferret) for 2 for 4. Unfortunately, he needed a 1 for 5 to break even on the bets.

If Stef’s good for nothing else, he is good for a tale or two or three. Today’s “highlight” reel.

  1. As mentioned before, a birdie on his first hole of the day, the 5th for 4 points. Scored 15 pts for the 9.
  2. Varcs must be wondering what he’s done to upset Stef as Stef nearly him 3 times during the round with errant shots. One shot missed Varc’s new buggy by a pifftenth.
  3. Stef’s back 9 was enjoyed by all in the club house. His 5pts included & airy & 6 scrubs.

Always next week Stef.

On the 9th, Spinner’s drive hit a tree & rebounded back toward the tee block. Didn’t quite get his 2nd shot either. Spinner’s comment, “not very often your 2nd shot doesn’t make to the distance of your first.”

Spinner also cracked the field up in the clubhouse. Whilst watching the Test, an appeal for a catch off Travis Head was denied as it was a bump ball. Spinner exclaimed, “So & so (Local Cricket Club) would have given that out.” Quite witty Spinner.

Logan & Bug won the White Board draw.

Next Friday is the Xmas Twilight Dinner. 2 course dinner from 6.30pm. Plenty of raffles. Dinner bookings essential. All welcome. Contact Julie Howe 0409 426 748.

Golf will be on as usual for those who wish to play.

Hope your Chrissy preparations are going well & we see you on the course over the holiday season.

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