14 players contested the Jeff Ellis & Co Trophy yesterday in very pleasant conditions.
Good to see new member Jason Pache & visitor Hayden “H” Cook in the field. Welcome.
Wally Altschwager played consistent golf all day, to once again shot “under his age” off the stick to win with 38 pts.
Runner-up on a countback was “H” from Logan Palmer on 37 pts.
“H” also won NTP but missed the 70cm birdie putt. He also had a couple of eagle opportunities go begging which would have made for a very impressive card.
5 players scored birdies during their rounds. “H” (2ns, 5th, 14th), Mark P (2nd, 5th), Andy V (11th, 17th birdie/ferret), Brendan F (1st, 10th) & Logan (9th). Surprisingly, missing from this group was Wally, despite his consistent play during the day.
Andy Vars had the discussion round of the day. With 12 pts on the front, including an unusual “duff” into a bunker. He regrouped on the back 9 for 20 pts which included a birdie/ferret & despite hitting a wrong ball. Great comeback Andy.
“Senior” Cookie took the pressure off Ducky & Goog with 27 pts at the “social” end of the field.
Don’t forget Twilight teas start next Friday. Registrations from 4 pm. Teas available from 6.30pm.
Also, a Junior & Beginners Golf Coaching session will be held at 10am on Saturday, 14th December.
Have a great week.