Sunday 20th October – Pelger Family Trophy
In absolutely perfect golfing weather, 16 players contested the Pegler Family Trophy. Thanks to Marie & Drew for supporting the club with their sponsorship.
Bill Mullan, with his “controlled” low fade (which worked most of the day) & his long, low approaches to the pins, won the day with 40 pts.
Runner up with 35 pts was Cooper, who had 22 pts on the front 9, but didn’t come home as well. His 35 did include an eagle on the 5th. Drive, just missing the left fairway, 10m short of the mound. 3 wood to 110m. Lazy 9 iron which kept rolling to the cup. Congratulations Cooper.
Ginge took 3rd place with 34 pts & NTP with his shot on the 9th.
Cooper’s eagle was complimented with birdies from Rob C (2nd), Ducky (6th) & Bill M (7th).
After consistently out driving the President last week, Carr-ee came back to earth with a 15m drive off the 1st today. When you think you’ve got the game nutted, it comes back to bite ya.
Alex Wezza had a great drive past the orange markers on the 4th. Oh to be young & flexible.
On the 7th , Alex played his 2nd from the 4th bunker to within 4 feet. Unfortunately, he missed the putt, but a great recovery.
Bill Mullan had to take some panadol on the 5th as he was starting to get a headache. Should’ve given some to Goog’s ball, as he topped the ball all day, giving it a massive headache.
Congratulations to Isaac Chambers who won the SA U/18 Varden at Murray Bridge on the 11th October with a nett 67. Great achievement Isaac. Good to see young local talent doing well.
Hope you all have a great week.