Tales from the Trees

16th June – Stableford

To begin, just an aside from last week. Last Sunday, Captain Rowdy, aced the 8th. Monday, Tom Lewis, Stef’s “boyfriend-in-law” also aced the 8th. An amazing coincidence to have 2 aces in 2 days on the same hole. Hope I can find the “channel in the green” that leads to the hole. Well done to both players.

After losing 4 strokes from his handicap after last week’s round, Isaac Chambers bested the field of 16 with 40 points. Well done, Isaac, just proves a bit of natural talent & practice (Isaac’s been on the course regularly after school) works.

Runner up with 38 pts was Goog, from Brian Pennell with 37 pts.

Greenkeeper Allan S was NTP.

3 birdies were had on the day, Cookie (2nd), Baz S (6th) & Goog (16th).

After a bit of crab fishing, Ozzie Smith decided to use his “hunting & gathering” skills to find 2 new balls lost by Shannon Ash & Dad Shane.

Shannon’s brand new ProV1 was launched from the 1st tee into the trees on the right. Reload. Dad Shane lost his new ball on the 10th. Ozzie found both.

Ozzie also found a ball in a tree but lost 2 balls to the tree whilst trying to dislodge it. You win some, you lose some.

With 29pts, Stef said, “drove well, but nothing after that”.

Have a good week.

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