Tales from the Trees

June 9th – Stroke

In ideal conditions, a large field of 25 played the stroke round today, which included the following visitors, to whom we extend a warm welcome.

Peter Miller (Attamurra), Paul Harmer (Penola), Steve Harris (back for the weekend. Aston Hills) & Michael Hamilton (home to see parents Reg & Lorraine, Oakbank).

Welcome also to father & son duo, Paul & Josh Van Der Horst, who have been members for a couple of years, but are now putting in cards to get their handicaps & Dale Bateman playing his first Sunday comp since moving to Beachport.

A day full of highlights (& some lowlights).

First highlight was Isaac Chambers 79 off the stick for a nett 60 to win the comp. He lost 3.9 strokes off his handicap for his round. Great effort Isaac.

Captain Rowdy had his own highlight during his round of 76/67 to take 2nd.

Despite balls being on the 8th green, whilst Cookie’s playing partners looked for his ball in the trees, Rowdy tee up & launched his drive too “ACE” the hole.

Apart from Carree, his playing partners didn’t see it. Cookie’s group didn’t think it would be Rowdy, as the ball looked a bit worn by Rowdy’s standards.

Bugger the etiquette, congratulations Rowdy.

After the antics of 1st & 2nd, Steve Harris’s 3rd (85/70) just gets lost in the hype.

NTP went to visitor Peter Miller, who completed the birdie.

Congrats to all.

Excluding Rowdy’s ace, there were 10 birdies for the day. Ryan Wakelin led the way with 2 (7th & 9th). Singles were carded by Shane S (3rd), Mark P & Cooper (6th), Peter Miller (9th), Spinner (10th), Isaac C (11th), Log (14th) & Brian P (15th).

Carree had a career best 3 long drives for units today, but then again, Goog & Log’s effort on the 5th didn’t set the bar real high. No need to explain Goog’s, just check the photo. Log showed his support of gender equality by playing his 2nd from the red tees.

Carree’s playing partners were quick to point out that his tee shot on the 4th, did hit the red tee block, to be redirected up into the trees.

Cray fishing season better start sooner rather than later to keep Ryan Wakey in balls. Ryan lost 4 ball “legitimately”. To add insult to injury, a 5th was picked up by a visiting green fees player. Some days, the beer doesn’t come early enough.

Our Vets travelled to Bordertown last Monday, with Brian P & Carree, 1st & 2nd respectively in Div 2 & Bill Mullan scoring an NTP. Well done.

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