Tales from the Trees

May 26th – Stableford

Beachport in May just gets better & better. The course was again in great knick & the greens were excellent. Well done to the course management team.

Welcome to visitor Andrew Harrison from Futures Golf Club (Adelaide). When welcomed to the club at presentations by Captain Rowdy, Rowdy asked, “do you want me to mention your score?”, Harry politely declined. Hope you enjoyed the course anyway.

Leading the pack today was Brendan Freeman with 38pts from Captain Rowdy (36pts). 3rd was a tie between Mark Pretty (who parred the course for 35pts) and Wakey, (who didn’t par the course), but still had 35pts.

Log pipped Stef for NTP by a Piffteenth. Stef hit a high 4 iron which hit the green, bit & stopped. Log hit a low 6 iron which ran on to the green. Could have been a “measure” but Log called it in his favour. Stef’s response, “he’s usually pretty good”.

3 birdies today, which is down on recent returns. Mark Pretty (2nd), Brendan Freeman (10th) & Log (15th). Well done guys.

Mark P gained the admiration of his playing partners in his “retro” style attire. Pity we didn’t have ZZ Tops “Everybody loves a Sharp Dressed Man” playing as he came up the 18th.

Beachport Caravan Park thought they had 4 extra visitors today, but fortunately only 1 checked in. Rob Carter crossed the road from the 2nd tee to finish near the entry gate. Spinner thought he had a “visitors pass”, but couldn’t make it across the road, only to end up on the road verge. Visitor “Harry” had a crack from the 3rd tee but hit a tree & ended up in front of the 3rd tee block. He found 3 balls before finding his.

Despite driving well most of the day, Stef also thought he was a CP visitor, hitting the road & stopping a car. Couldn’t find the ball so we’ll never know. Despite one wayward drive, Stef hit the ball well today but “just couldn’t score”.

The new mounds are already having an influence on the game.

  1. Brendan hit a hose on the new mound on the 2nd, bounced into the trees. Chipped out for birdie.
  2. Log, same hole, hit the sprinkler on the mound & bounced further into the trees. “Who put that sprinkler there? Hehe, Dad’s revenge.
  3. The new mounds on the 5th tested Spinner’s patience. 2 shots I believe.
  4. Same mound both times, no trouble for Captain Rowdy, hit ’em well.

After a recent “good run”, Cooper let the Golf God’s back in today. 10th into the water, 3rd & 12th into the trees. However, he did play his 3rd shot on the 5th from near the 6th green to make 6. So not all is lost.

Perhaps he was still traumatized after having Stef “as a boss” after a week of work experience.

After asking Goog how he went, he said “shite”, 10pts front 9, 20pts back 9. A little later, he saw the notepad on a table & said “what’s in Tale of the Trees”. Only note on the pad, “Drug test Goog”.

Have a good week

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