Captain’s Trophy Round 1 – Wednesday 17 April

A total of 11 ladies played the 1st Round of the Captain’s Trophy (Stroke), with some members playing Stableford on the orange short course.

⛳️ Overall winners were Julie H (net 69) with Karen runner up (net 72)

Marie won on the orange course with 27 stableford points. Runner ups were Suzie and Jenni with 29 points.

⛳️ NTP 9/18th (2nd shot)


NTP 6/15th (1st shot)


🌟 The most fairways were hit today by Jan with an impressive total of 17 in the stroke comp, not to be outdone by Marie on the orange course, who also hit 17 fairways!

👍 Least putts was shared by Maz and Julie H with 29 each.

🏌️Next Wednesday 24th April we will meet at 9:30am for 10am tee off.

This will be the Vice-Captain’s Trophy in a Stroke round on the full course and another competition on the shorter orange course for anyone who is interested.

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