Sunday 10th March – Stableford

In perfect weather (2 weeks in a row), 13 players competed in our Sunday Stableford competition.

Captain Rowdy continued his consistent form of late with 40pts.

Brian Pennell obviously took his presentation heckling from last week to heart, to come runner up on 37pts. Was this a bit extra practice or just the fickleness of golf?

Wally Altschwager & Log tied for 3rd with 36 pts.

Birdies & ferrets were the theme of the day, with 11 birdies & 6 ferrets being carded.

Players recording birdies were: Rowdy (2nd, 9th,13th), Mark Pretty (6th,7th,14th), Wally A (1st, 17th), Brian P (13th), Log (6th) & Cookie (15th).

Wally A had ferrets on the 1st & 17th, Brian P 4th & 6th, Wakey (no one could remember) & Log 13th. Cooper said he had a “nearly” with the ball resting on the lip of the cup.

There has certainly been some good golf played at Beachport over the past few months.

Cooper had some interesting holes, with tree interaction on several.

On the 1st, hit his drive down the right, hit a tree, only to land in the middle of the fairway. Cooper 1 / Trees 0

The 3rd saw an “Out of Bounds” after more tree intervention. One all.

From the 9th tee, Cooper hit a tree near the 8th tee block, to land on the 1st fairway. Cooper 1 / Trees 2.

Finally, the 14th, trying to hit out of the trees, Cooper flushed a pine tree & nearly emulated Wakey from last week, as the ball raced back past him at “a great rate of knots”. Cooper 1 / Trees 3. As they say, “you can’t beat nature!”

Daily NTP on the 9th was Rowdy, with Log & Cookie earning spots in the “Goog Walker NTP Shootout” next weekend.

If you haven’t already, please look at the rezoning information & complete the WRC Rezoning survey. It’s important for the future of the club.

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