BGC Sunday 11th February

A busy day at the club today with a combined board / subcommittee meeting, Junior Golf Ambrose & the weekly Sunday competition.

At 11am, the board & subcommittees met to finalize preparations for Southern Ports Golf Week. It was productive get together & let each other know what is happening in their areas of responsibility.

It also provided an opportunity to raise any other issues, get a variety of opinions & have a balanced discussion on the topics raised. It also reinforced the role of the subcommittees as several topics directed at the board, were redirected to the appropriate subcommittee for consideration & a decision.

It was agreed, that a few more joint meetings throughout the year, would help communications & cooperation between the board & subcommittees & between subcommittees.

12 junior golfers turned out for the first, of a 4 week program of Ambrose competitions for our keen, aspiring golfers.

A big thanks to Robe & District Community Bank & Iberdrola for sponsoring the program, which is an extension of the Junior coaching sessions the BGC has been able to provide over the past couple of years.

Also, thanks to Cookie for investing his time into, not only the future of the sport but our club.

Great to see 4 Dad’s & a Grandad out with the juniors. Watching from the clubrooms, it was obvious they were all having fun.

Now for the BIG BOYS.

14 players played a Stableford comp. in perfect conditions this afternoon. 11 birdies were a testament to the good conditions.

Captain Rowdy is starting to overshadow Cooper’s good form by posting another win today with 38 pts.

Runner up was Shannon Ash with 37 pts. Good to see Shannon, who hasn’t been playing competitions very long, starting to feature in the results.

Ryan Wakelin was 3rd with 36 pts, after getting a few pointers from his kids early in the day. They must have worn Grandpa John out, as he was only able to manage 29pts.

Shane Smith secured his spot in the Goog Walker “Shoot Out”, with a NTP on the 6th.

Craig Sunderland, nailed the NTP on the 9th/18th, although Rowdy may have won if he had moved the marker. His excuse, ” I was focused on the birdie”.

The 11 birdies were evenly spread except for Shane Smith with 3. We did see the “short putt” on the 16th from the clubroom Shane. We all have ’em.

The bird catchers were: Craig Sundo (1st), Angus Altschwager & Shane S (2nd), Cooper & Ryan W (5th), Cookie (8th), John W (9th), Shane S (11th & 13th), Sedat (14th) & Rowdy (18th).

Sunday 18th February is a Stableford comp, with SPGW starting on Saturday 24th with the Men’s Pinehurst. There’s still room in the field if your interested.

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