Sunday January 28th – Stroke

In fine, but blustery conditions, 16 players challenged the course which had been well prepared.

Great to see visitors Andrew Ferguson & Gerard Cameron in the field. Welcome.

Cooper Walters continued his great form of recent months, to blitz the field by 8 strokes, Gross 79/Nett 63. Cooper is developing his golf skills rapidly. It will be interesting to follow his future golfing path.

Runner up was Log MacGregor 83/71 with Greg Cook, 3rd 78/73.

Bill Mullan took out the “Goog Walker NTP Challenge” on the 6th, winning 4 units in the process. A great shot.

Speaking of units, Log & Copper couldn’t hide their delight of winning 46 units from Goog & Rowdy.

Greg Cook (The Cook) won the daily NTP competition on the 9th.

6 players scored birdies today. They were:

Andrew Ferguson (2nd), Greg Cook (3rd), Cooper W (4th), Shane Smith( 6th) (Birdie/Ferret from 30m), Brendan Freeman (10th) & Bill Mullan 18th (Birdie/Ferret).

Drew Pegler also had a ferret on the 10th. Unfortunately, it was not a birdie.

Well done to all these guys.

Ozzie’s playing partners were excited to share his great shots on the 7th. After a good drive, his 2nd shot from about 70m ended up about 1.5m from the pin. Great work Ozzie. Won’t be long before you’re shooting some great scores.

Bill Mullan flirted with his tree on both the 8th & 16th & got away with both shots. Sometimes the “Tree Gods” just smile.

I think the Australian Men’s Cricket team had their top order batting woes solved today, with Ducky, Goog & Ozzie all “raising their bats”. There’s always next week.

The AGM is to be held on Thursday March 7th at 7.00pm. A nomination form has been posted on the notice board next to the bar. Please consider what you can contribute to the club & nominate for an executive or board position or nominate someone who you believe can help the club move forward.

Happy golfing.

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